Customize Checks

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February 11, 2021

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February 13, 2021

Checks can be parameterized in tab Maintain Configuration Defaults. The configuration is client-dependent.
To maintain company codes for all checks, use the company code wizard.
Parameters can be entered as a single value, a list of values, a range, and using wildcards:

Low Value: Single numerical value, or lower end of a numerical range

High Value: Upper end of a numerical range

Value List: Single values with wildcards, lists (character values)

The following parameters apply to all checks:

TIME_HORIZON: PARAM_VALUE_LOW: maximum number of days in the past to get data

VAR_LIMIT: Alerts are auto-archived if their value-at-risk is below this amount in client standard currency (as defined in table T000, field MWAER)

REM_USER: remQ checks are run as background jobs with this SAP system user. If this field is empty, the current user will be used.
The default language for the REM_USER must be set to a supported language, EN or DE.

BUKRS: Company code; enter a range in PARAM_VALUE_LOW and PARAM_VALUE_HIGH or enter a ‘*’ in VAL_LIST1
You can use the company code wizard to set company code values for all checks.

For each check, customers can maintain exceptions, e.g. to exclude transactions by technical users from results. Exceptions can be maintained for all values that are reported for a certain alert type.
Exceptions can be maintained in /REM/ADMIN, tab Maintain Exceptions. Enter the check name as full name of the program (e.g. /REM/FIAA_RR) as displayed as Check Name in the /REM/ADMIN transaction.

Some checks create alerts for activities on weekends or holidays. As holidays are customer specific, the holiday calendar has to be maintained with parameters FACTORY_CALENDAR, HOLIDAY_CALENDAR.